
Through the years Strand Consult has held numerous strategic workshops about the telecom and tech industry and how it is developing for members or whole boards of directors and top management from companies in the industry. Many workshops are focused on specific subjects and have predefined goals that have been set together with client and that are reached during the workshop.

Strand Consult´s services can help bridge the gap between the daily reality that a company’s top management is dealing with and the expectations of their board of directors, when they face the challenge of making crucial decisions that will influence the future of the company.

All our workshops are customised using a structured process designed by Strand Consult. This ensures that our workshops increase the level of knowledge of the workshop participants, there by reaching the predefined workshop goals and making it easier to agree on crucial decisions that can ultimately decide the future of a company.

Contact us if you want to know more

Strand Consult is an independent, privately owned consultancy company. Our main focus is in the telecom sector, what it looks like, how it is developing and how it influences a number of other sectors. Through our research, reports, workshops and consulting, we help create and expand our customers’ revenue streams by maximising the use of all the new possibilities and opportunities that arise with new technologies and business strategies.

We are regarded as one of the leading authorities on technologies, business and revenue models, distribution strategies and the impact of regulation. Our reports are both strategic and cross-disciplinary in their outlook. They do not focus on a single area, but always examine subjects from five different angles; operators, technology providers, distribution, content providers and which existing or new business strategies will have the greatest probability of being successful. Our customers have save a great deal of money on consultancy services by purchasing and using our strategic reports and get the results they want.