Privacy Policy
Strand Consult own and run this website. While we provide you information about this issue, we remain dedicated to protecting your privacy.
We collect, via cookies, information relating to your browser language, user location, user behavior (new versus returning users), user web browser, user operating system, user network, and traffic source (the source is the place users are before seeing the website, such as a search engine or referral website). We collect this information through Google Analytics. We evaluate this information to understand how people use our website so that we can improve it for you and other users. We do not sell your data or provide it to others for advertising purposes.
We store this data at a shared hosting facility in Denmark. In addition to the shared hosting facilities’ network firewalls, web application firewall, and encryption in transit with TLS, we also secure our data and websites with spam and malware filters and a complex content distribution network solution. We retain the data for approximately 12 months.
You have the right to access the information we gather concerning your use of our website, as well as the right to rectify the information, erase the information, restrict the processing of the information (under certain conditions), and the right to request a transfer of the information to another organization (or directly to you) under certain conditions. If you make a request of us relating to these rights, we have one month to respond to you.
As you may notice while using our website, we provide links and content from other websites and sources. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should review the privacy policy of that website before accessing that content.
If you have any questions about this website’s privacy policy, the data we collect concerning your use of the website, or if you wish to exercise any of your data protection rights, please contact us.