
Debunking the 25 Myths of Fair Share

Strand Consult is an independent provider of research and analysis in the fields of mobile telecommunications, information technology, and public policy. An important part of our work is to create transparency and conduct fact checks on policy information. Strand Consult established the Global Project for Broadband Cost Recovery to collect, analyze, and share the policy research to close the digital divide and develop sustainable business models for broadband.

With the imminent deadline of the European Union consultation on the future of electronic communications and its infrastructure, the “fair share” discussion has gained momentum. Strand Consult properly calls the issue broadband cost recovery as it focuses on transparent, objective accounting of traffic and cost, whereas the term “fair share” is subjective and does not appear in EU law.

Strand Consult’s new report “Debunking the 25 Myths of Fair Share” provides important facts and insight.. Some telecom operators understand the issue, but many don’t. Moreover, MNVOs and small operators struggle to understand why they should care.  The report is also helpful to wade through the swamp of  misinformation and misunderstanding on the topic. It highlights how interested parties purposely derail the debate. Moreover it provides policy context; today’s broadband pricing is a relic from when the killer app was email. Broadband policy has not evolved to the reality of video and asymmetric traffic. 

The report “Debunking the 25 Myths of Fair Share” examines 25 myths related to fair share in the following 5 categories:

  • Law & Policy
  • Economics
  • Network Investment
  • Big Tech Talking Points
  • South Korea

Strand Consult’s objective is to create transparency to the policy actors and where possible, add authoritative facts and information to the discussion.  As such, Strand Consult has conducted two research projects on how video streaming entertainment traffic impacts the cost of broadband networks. A new and related Strand Consult report, “Broadband Cost Recovery: A Study of Business Models for 50 Broadband Providers in 24 US States”, providers microeconomic analysis to the challenge of video streaming entertainment traffic on broadband providers’ networks.

Why we fact check

Fact checking is a key activity for Strand Consult. In addition to bringing transparency to political and regulatory actions, we want to know whether what policymakers say is true. See some of the examples of our fact checks here.

Strand Consult has made many reports and research notes on broadband cost recovery, many of which check the “facts” and statements on the issue. Similarly we debunk myths promoted by companies, organizations, authorities, and advocates.  Here are some examples:

  1. In the report “Netflix v. SK Broadband. The David and Goliath Battle for Broadband Fair Cost Recovery in South Korea”, we have documented why Netflix brough the lawsuit against a South Korean broadband provider and what the laws are South Korea.
  2. Strand Consult helped reveal that Google sponsored a South Korean advocacy organization with $9.5 million which they failed to disclose.
  3. Strand Consult fact-checked Google’s Matt Brittin at FT-ETNO event where he made false claims and exaggerations about cost recovery as well as other tech companies.
  4. Strand Consult’s report “Fact Check on Analysys Mason’s Claims on Big Tech Investments and Arguments Against Broadband Cost Recovery “ examines more than a dozen claims from Analysys Mason in their attempt to argue against broadband cost recovery .

Just as it had done with Huawei, OpenRAN, and other policy topics, Strand Consult’s new report “Debunking the 25 Myths of Fair Share” helps readers cut through the morass to get to the facts of the issue and the motivation of the policy actors.  This is an essential report to help you engage intelligently on the topic.

Order it today so that you are smarter tomorrow.

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