This report describes in detail the sales process in the consumer-to-consumer market for Smart Handheld Devices in the UK. It is a comprehensive analysis of all phases of the sale of WAP terminals, Smart Phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), from initial contact to final contract. The survey and analysis is based on XX visits to shops across Y different chains of both specialist and operator owned shops.
The report provides answers to questions such as:
The average duration of the sale
How the sales assistants prioritise time spend with customer
What role the operators play
The role the terminals play
WAP, Smart Phone or PDA
Which products do the sales assistants expose and recommend
The use of POS material
The difference between different distribution channels.
What determines which product the customer is recommended
What features are unique to the UK SHD market
The path towards 3G
This report has already been sold to a number of network operators and other kinds of operators.
Request more information about this unique report and how it may benefit your business.
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