Request more information about Strand Consult’s Global Research Project on Broadband Cost Recovery
Strand Consult is a thought leader in the field and promotes it Global Research Project on Broadband Cost Recovery. It amasses a database of information from operators around the world, their financial challenges with network investment, and the associated policy models to remedy the problem. Strand Consult’s Global Research Project for Broadband Cost Recovery project envisions the renewal of broadband policy and business models to ensure financial, environmental, and social sustainability. Strand Consult endeavors that the benefits of broadband are enjoyed by all and that the costs are funded appropriately and in a socially beneficial fashion.
Strand Consult offers broadband providers the opportunity to address important policy issues and realize legitimate, measurable, equitable, and socially beneficial outcomes for broadband. By tapping into Strand Consult’s Global Research Project for Broadband Cost Recovery, operators everywhere can leverage the learning from this project to pursue avenues for cost recovery, whether at the level of firm, industry, or nation state. The learnings from this project will bolster court cases featuring operators and demonstrate that broadband cost recovery is a real and significant policy issue. Above all, it will evidence the view that large and dominant technology platforms have a responsibility to contribute to broadband networks to facilitate their traffic. It debunks the myth that Big Tech’s spending on its own content and services is somehow equivalent to the operator’s investments to bring infrastructure to end users. In any event, Big Tech benefits as more people and businesses come online.
By tapping into Strand Consult’s Global Research Project for Broadband Cost Recovery, operators can realize a win-win-win with policymakers, end users, and enterprises. Cost recovery serves consumers and enterprises which benefit when networks have more financial support. Policymakers win when their consultations come to a successful conclusion and implementation. Policymakers achieve not only the stated goals of the policy, but the legitimation of their efforts. Operators and their shareholders should benefit with a cost recovery framework.
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