
Marketing mobile services on the b2b market

Focus: This workshop is designed to help mobile operators, content providers and media companies in their work on formulating marketing strategies for the future b2b market for mobile services.

Mobile services based on SMS and WAP/GPRS will represent an increasing part of operators’ revenue from the b2b market. The existing revenue from this market is almost exclusively generated from voice-based services, and characterised by high-volume and low margins. It is therefore important to develop services for this market that can provide new revenue streams.

If mobile operators are to survive the cost of establishing UMTS networks and services, they must ensure the development of alternative revenue streams in the b2b market. It is important for operators to develop new revenue models and make it attractive for content providers and media companies to develop and market new and quality mobile services.

How this workshop can add value:
Strand Consult has been involved in the development of SMS- and WAP-based services since the technologies were first introduced. We have mapped and analysed operators’ experiences of SMS- and WAP-based services – both the good and the bad. We also have experience from starting up mobile content businesses. The workshop is based on this knowledge and these experiences, and our understanding of what it will take to be successful in the b2b market for mobile services.

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