Research Notes

For 25 years Strand Consult has worked to create transparency in the telecommunications world. Over the years, we have published a great number of research notes, where we not only explain how the industry looks, but also how it will develop in the future. We have focused on collecting the knowledge you need to more easily navigate a complex industry with increasing competition.

We have spent many man years researching and publishing a series of comprehensive research notes, reports and workshops focused on these areas. Market players that have ambitions of being successful within these areas can either try to gain an overview themselves, find solutions and purchase external consultants to help them on their way, or alternatively use Strand Consult’s reports – with or without workshops to acquire the knowledge they need to be successful in the future.

Strand Consult’s job is to publish the facts and show how the right or wrong decisions may affect telecom operators´ business in the future

The portal strategies of the future

The use of mobile portals and mobile clients is still in its infancy, but in the near future this area will experience large changes. Amongst other things we will see...

It Would Be A First, If Premium SMS can survive

by staying exactly the same! Some products have managed to stay on the market for decades, generation after generation, but not without constant improvements through product development. It would therefore...

New opportunities for media companies

increased focus on the mobile telephones user interface is creating exciting new opportunities for media companies All our research here at Strand Consult points to the mobile market moving towards...

Managing marketing costs is high priority

– when working with Micro-Segmentation and Sub-Branding In the “good old days” the handset manufacturers and the mobile operators were like your local grocery store, they could easily handle the...